The intensity of training debate!
Make it stand out
Much is said of the required balance between easy and hard efforts of training and the 80/20 rule. As a Coach of over twelve years, I have never agreed with this...let me show you why.
If you only run three times each week, the ratio of hard to easy runs can lean more to the “hard” side, whereas as training and mileage increase, the balance should be no more than 40/50% hard. Individuals vary…so to the effect that age has...where you are in a training cycle etc...your job...manual or physical etc.
You will recognize what works for you.
Runner X
- 4 miles of speedwork on Tuesday
- 5 miles brisk on Friday
- 10 miles easy on Sunday, but on feet for 90 minutes and can then be considered hard in terms of time on feet!
100% of the efforts are hard!
Runner Y
- As above but two other days
- other days of six miles easy
- Total mileage 31 miles
Over 60% hard
Runner Z
- Subscribes to the 20% hard/80% easy suggestion
- 4 miles of speedwork on Tuesday
- Three other easy runs totaling 16 miles
Is there sufficient stretch for improvements?
Elite & high mileage athletes
- Running 100 plus miles per week... My athletes in Kenya
- Run 2x daily and rest day on Sunday!
- 10 miles of intervals
- 4 miles of hills
- Up to 20-mile-long run
- 8 miles of effort in fartlek or tempo run
Circa 40% hard, but the easy runs are also very easy!
This also demonstrates why a personalised plan and not off the shelf will always deliver best results!
Coach Nick