
The last tranche of postal entries went out on Thursday (13th March). Please allow a few days for your number to arrive if it hasn’t already.

Please make sure you read the 2025 Essential Info page. We are experiencing a lot of enquiries at the momnent but, if you need any help with race entries or have any other questions, please get in touch via the contact form.

The Half Marathon is now SOLD OUT. You can join the waiting list but it is already very long, and we don’t expect everyone will get offered a place. Head over to our Facebook page and see if there are any runners who want to cancel. Click here to view the Facebook page.

PLEASE NOTE : If you have not received your number you have a few options to get your race number.

  • You can pick up your number from either Running Bear shop from upto 2 weeks before the race

  • Pick up your number from Race HQ at Wilmslow Rugby club on Saturday 22nd 9:30am - 1:30pm

  • Pick up your number from Race HQ at Wilmslow Rugby club on Sunday 23rd, but you MUST arrive in plenty of time