T-19: Fun Run Course
Hi there. It's less than three weeks to go to the big day. So we thought we would tell you more and more about the event and the races as we approach the day. Today we publish the Fun Run Course.
It’s here.
The race will start half way up Kings Road where it meets Broad Walk. From the start runners will run to Altrincham Road and bear right. Following the main road, continuing passing the football fields at Jim Evison, passing Waters UK until about a mile when you turn left off the main road onto Nan Moss Lane. This secluded road, with hedges and fields on both sides, passes the Farm the road is named after. You pass another farm at the end of the lane and bear left onto Mobberley Road. If you look up you’ll see the Finish. Just under 300 yards to go. You can do it. See you there than.