Event Rules & Guidelines
Wilmslow Running Festival Event Rules & Guidelines
The following event rules and guidelines are intended to help produce and direct a large scale event, to ensure the safety of all participants, to meet the requirements of local government permits and to be compliant with applicable England Athletics and World Athletics regulations for participant performance records and event liability. All entry fees are non-refundable and Wilmslow Running Festival retains the right to refuse entry to anyone declaring false information on their entry form, not making the required payment, or otherwise failing to meet the stated entry requirements.
1. Each entrant must register with Nifty.
2. An email address is required for all entries. All correspondence will be via email. A separate email address for each participant is required.
3. Your email address will be passed to our official race photographers for the purpose of posting a link to your official race photos, timings and any other relevant information.
4. Each entrant is automatically signed up to receive an invitation from the Official Race Charity.
5. To register for the half marathon you must be 17 years of age or older on event day. To register for the 10K you must be at least 15 years of age or older on event day.
6. All participants take part at their own risk and must agree to the disclaimer at the end of this document and these Terms & Conditions to participate in the event.
7. Registrants must be capable of completing the full distance, start line to finish line, within the event time requirement of 3 hours for the half marathon and 1 hour 45 minutes for the 10K.
8. The event time requirement and age minimum apply to all forms of entry and event participation.
9. All participants must provide their full name and details of any health problems or medication on the reverse of their race number.
10., By taking part, all participants confirm that race numbers and the information contained on the reverse may be used by marshals, race officials and medical services in communications with each other to identify casualties and their location.
11. By taking part, all participants confirm that they are happy for their names and any footage or photographs taken during their participation to be used to publicise the Wilmslow Running Festival.
12. Participant race numbers are specific personal identifiers. Numbers may be transferred between runners but the transfer must be done through the Nifty entry system.
13. Race numbers remain the property of the Race organisers
14. All entry fees are non-refundable (unless refund protect was selected at checkout). Entries cannot be deferred toward a future event
15. Subject to 14, above, customers have the right to cancel any entry made over the internet as long as it is done within 7 days of the original entry date. Distance Selling Act 2000.
16. Registration closure is determined and announced when event participation reaches the established capacity.
17. UKA Anti-doping policy: ‘An entrant shall be deemed to have made him/herself/their self, familiar with, and agreed to be bound by the UKA Anti-Doping Rules and to submit to the authority of UK Anti-Doping in the application and enforcement of the Anti-Doping Rules. The UKA Anti-Doping Rules apply to entrants participating in the sport of Athletics, for 12 months from the date of entry, whether or not the licence holder is a citizen of, or resident in, the UK.’
18. The UKA statement on Transgender eligibility in Athletics is published here -
1. Participants must follow instructions as given from all event officials including race staff, volunteers, medical personnel, security officers and city officials throughout the duration of the event.
2. All participants are expected to conduct themselves in a professional and courteous manner during their participation in the event. This means, for example, that urinating or defecating anywhere on or near the course shall be strictly prohibited except in toilet facilities. Anyone violating this rule of conduct shall be disqualified from the event and will be asked to leave the course.
3. Every participant shall be provided with an event bib number, which shall be conspicuously worn on the front during the event. The event bib number is to be worn as issued. No participant shall be permitted to participate in the event without the appropriate bib number.
4. Baby joggers, baby strollers, skateboards, Nordic sticks, rollerblades, unauthorizsed bicycles or any other wheeled device will only be permitted with official permission in advance of the race and must start at the back of the race line up for the safety of other runners. .
5. The Sweep Bus will follow the race so as to arrive at the course closure time. If you are passed by the sweep vehicle your status reverts back to that of a pedestrian and you are expected to use the pavement if you decide to continue. We strongly advise you against continuing and we will ask you to join the sweep bus. If you do continue we will be unable to guarantee that road closures, marshals and drinks stations will be in place. Before starting the race please give careful consideration to your ability to complete the course in the allotted time.
1. Participants must begin the event during the official recognised starting times. 2. All participants must be positioned behind the starting line when starting.
1. Any participant who refuses to obey the directions of the event official, city official or course marshal, or who conducts himself/herself in an unsportsmanlike manner, or who is offensive by action or language to officials, volunteers, participants or spectators may be disqualified from the event and banned from future participation in the Wilmslow Running Festival at the discretion of race officials.
2. Any participant who has been found by a course marshal, event official or surveillance equipment to have gained an unfair advantage by intentionally shortening the route of the race (“cutting the course”) shall be immediately disqualified from the event and banned from future participation in any Wilmslow Running Festival at the discretion of race officials.
3. Any person who participates in the event without a current official event bib number or timing device or a bib or chip not officially assigned to him/her is subject to removal and disqualification from future events.
4. No persons are authorised to be on the course unless they are registered participants. Therefore, no person shall be allowed to accompany a participant if he/she is not registered in the event, nor shall any participant be allowed, without the permission of the event management, to receive assistance or refreshment from anyone during the progress of the event. Any person not properly displaying an authorised and issued race number shall be directed to leave the course.
5. A hands-on medical examination during the progress of an event by officially designated medical personnel shall not be considered assistance and will not result in disqualification if participant is deemed medically fit. If a participant becomes ill during or after the Event and/or receive medical attention or treatment either from event medical staff or any doctor or hospital, they must authorise such persons to provide details (including details of medical treatment) to the Medical Director of the Wilmslow Running Festival or others authorised by him/her.
1. The use of wheeled devices by participants or any other person authorised to be on the course shall be strictly limited to (a) authorised and registered competitive wheelchair participants and (b) authorised course marshals on bicycles. Baby joggers, baby strollers, skateboards, rollerblades, unauthorised bicycles or any other wheeled device will only be permitted with official permission in advance of the race and must start the race at the back of the race line up for the safety of other runners.
2. This event is run under England Athletics rules and therefore MP3 players, headphones or other devices plugged into the ear are banned whilst running for reasons of health & safety, both yours and other competitors. When you wear such a device you are unable to hear other competitors, cars, bicycles or marshals instructions.
3. Participants are responsible for their recognition and understanding of event signage, symbols and colour relating to participant maps, facilities and direction.
4. Medical personnel authorised by the event to do so may examine any participant who appears in distress. If in the sole opinion of authorised medical personnel it is in the best interest of the participant’s health and welfare, medical personnel may remove the participant from the event.
5. Participants must retire at once from race if ordered to do so by a member of the event’s official staff, official medical staff, or any governmental authority, including fire and police officers.
6. Participants are responsible and assume liability for any and all medical expenses incurred as a result of training for and/or participation in the event, including but not limited to ambulance transport, hospital stays, physician and pharmaceutical goods and services.
7. Event officials reserve the right to delay, cancel, or suspend the race due to inclement weather in accordance with Emergency Protocol on severe emergencies and/or inclement weather. No refund will be issued in these circumstances.
1. All participants are assigned a chip timing device.
2. Clock time (gun time) is the official time for all cash prizes and course record times. The official times shall be recorded from the start of the race by the starting gun to the point where the participant crosses the finish line. Times shall be rounded to the next highest second. Chip/net times will be used for all age group and team prizes.
3. Course Record (CR) time if broken by more than one individual is awarded solely to the overall male/female winner.
4. Participants must wear their assigned timing device continuously from start line to finish line, to receive an accurate finish time.
5. Participants found to be wearing two or more timing devices during the race will be disqualified and their results will not be recorded.
6. Participants with missing timing device times at official checkpoints will be reviewed and may be disqualified.
7. Participants must begin the event during the official recognised starting time in order to register an official course completion time.
8. All results will be fully available on the event website after the race. Full and final results will continue to be submitted to relevant parties for the purposes of verification of entries to other races and for ranking systems.
1. Any individual requesting a waiver of any of these rules from the event shall submit a written request no less than 30 days prior to the event date specifying the nature of and reasons for the request.
1. Event officials reserve the right, to modify, supplement or waive all or part of the event rules.
2. Participants shall be bound by any modification or supplement of the event rules published prior to the event.
3. Failure to follow these event rules, as may be amended, will result in immediate disqualification, loss of prize money and removal from official results.
4. The Wilmslow Running Festival follows, and participants are subject to, the rules specified by England Athletics and World Ahletics. Please visit https://www.englandathletics.org and https://worldathletics.org for additional information concerning the rules mandated by the governing bodies for the sport.
1. Wilmslow Running Festival is organised by the Wilmslow Half Marathon Charitable Incorporated Organisation (CIO).
2. The objects of the CIO are the promotion of community participation in healthy recreation for the benefit of the inhabitants of Wilmslow by the provision of funds and facilities for running and playing rugby, hockey, lacrosse and cricket and other charitable causes as the trustees may decide.
In order to run in the Wilmslow Running Festival runners agree the following disclaimer and to the Terms & Conditions:
I declare I will abide by the age limits set for the event and will abide by the laws and rules of England Athletics. I declare that I will not compete in the race unless I am medically fit on the day of the race and that, in any event, I will compete at my own risk. I accept that the organisers, sponsors, partners, marshals will not be liable for any loss, damage, action, claim, costs or expenses, which may arise in consequence of my participation of the event. I also hereby give my permission to Wilmslow Running Festival to use my name, quotes, video and photographic likeness for marketing and promotional purposes. I also understand that entry fees are non refundable